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At Bilton Grange Primary School, we understand that, in such a rapidly evolving world, technology is an integral part of our children’s lives - and futures. We intend to equip our children with the essential knowledge and skills to contribute to the digital world safely, responsibly and respectfully.

Computing is a practical, creative and knowledge-rich subject. Our cross curricular approach is ‘knowledge rich’, and carefully builds upon the children’s previous knowledge with small sequential steps. Underpinning this approach are our four curriculum drivers (the 4 C’s):

Communication / Collaboration / Creative Arts / Community

These 4 C’s are at the heart of everything we do and enable children to gain the ‘essential knowledge’, skills and experiences to succeed. It is crucial that these learning experiences take children beyond their daily lives so that they are exposed to, and better prepared for, today’s digital world and the future.

Substantive and Disciplinary Knowledge in Computing

Our Computing curriculum uses a knowledge-based approach to learning. This allows teachers to ensure learning is developed systematically, building on previous knowledge in order to help children know more and remember more over time.

Substantive Knowledge in Computing is based on the key concepts of Computing – Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology. In our Computing curriculum, this Computing knowledge and enquiry is taught within real-life contexts (where possible) including key vocabulary and knowledge sentences. Progressing from EYFS to year 6, children build on prior knowledge in a sequence of small steps.

Disciplinary knowledge in Computing involves children applying what they have learned to real-life situations by planning/ designing, creating, editing and evaluating a range of applications. Computational thinking enables children to work out exactly what to tell the computer to do using a range of concepts and approaches. With links to R.S.E. children will use problem solving skills to investigate dilemmas relating to online conduct and relationships.

Read More of our Computing Rationale

Curriculum EYFS / KS1 Sequence

Curriculum KS2 Sequence 

Provision Map